Software development

The Importance of DevOps Team Structure

The Security and Compliance Engineer is responsible for the overall security of the DevOps environment. The SCE closely works with the development teams to design and integrate security into the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring data integrity and security are not compromised at every stage of the product lifecycle. In addition, the SCE ensures that the products being developed are adhering devops team structure to governing regulations and compliance standards. When it comes to DevOps responsibilities, a DevOps architect prepares the infrastructure, designs a plan, and offers guidelines to build relevant processes. The DevOps engineer implements this plan to design and automate DevOps processes using the right tool stack and infrastructure as code techniques for the specific environment.

devops team structure

Secondly, collaboration is important across the infrastructure so that members can ask questions, share things and keep everyone updated with the progress. Thirdly, set up an agile reporting toolset so that all stakeholders can check the progress of the project. Choosing the right agile tools, educating stakeholders and assigning them specific roles, and collaborating with everyone using Kanban/Scrum boards is recommended. As DevOps is neither a technology nor a tool, hiring the right DevOps human resources is a challenging task. Instead of getting caught in the buzzword, it is important to look at organization-specific needs first.

DevOps Full Collaboration Model

In the Build phase, a compilation of the application takes place using a version control system. Here, the build is validated based on the organizational compliance requirements. In the test phase, the code is tested, and the Release phase delivers the application to the repository. In the deployment phase, the application is deployed to the required platforms. The Platform Engineer supports the platform teams to ensure that the environment supports the products effectively, and uses the tools provided to automate integration and deployment. A shift to DevOps represents not only the adoption of new technology but also a cultural and organizational transformation which can be challenging for existing functional or departmental silos.

devops team structure

In other words, any change is vetted by SRE-team, and only after they are satisfied with the quality, the software moves on to Ops-team, who’s responsible for deployments. Although developers have become more directly involved in software testing in recent years, quality assurance engineers still play a valuable DevOps role. Code is at the core of DevOps processes, and the people who write code are at the core of a DevOps organization. What’s complicated is that not all developers are equally suited to DevOps practices. A platform team acts like an enabling team that packages the knowledge into a self-service offering. Stream-aligned teams can use the products created by platform teams to simplify and accelerate their work.


Nonetheless, it is worth building strategic connections between the core DevOps team and colleagues in nontechnical roles. Security engineers — specifically, ones who understand DevSecOps and can put its tenets into practice — are another core part of a DevOps organization. They bring a specific and important set of skills to the process. Good QA engineers can also write efficient tests that run quickly and automatically. They should know the ins and outs of test automation frameworks, such as Selenium, and be skilled in how to write tests that cover a lot of ground but that don’t require a long time to run. They must also know how to interpret test results quickly and communicate to developers how to fix whatever caused the failure.

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DevOps Structure 3: Dev and Ops Together – the Best Team Structure for IT DevOps

Attainment of comb-shaped competencies is preferred for all team members, as well as continuous knowledge sharing and collaboration. Only when an SRE-team https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ approves certain changes and development modules, the product can move on to Operations. SRE acts as a “gatekeeper” to ensure top quality standards.

Under this scenario, SRE team will require development teams to collect and provide relevant logs/metrics, demonstrating that the produced software is robust and up-to-specs. DevOps practices come and go as they are put to a test against real life scenarios. Rather than attempting to create a collaborative model, this method is extremely linear – you start with the developer to build out the practice, following which it is pushed out to the different functions.


SRE and DEV teams collaborate and SRE approves the code based on the operational metrics. And it’s something we practice a lot when it comes to our own DevOps team structure. We also have other functional DevOps groups besides “Dev” that manage other aspects of our product. A C4E enables organizations to transform their IT teams into strategic business partners, as opposed to traditional technology functions.

devops team structure

A C4E is a cross functional team that operates across central IT, Line of Business IT, and digital innovation teams. These teams work together to ensure that the assets the team creates are consumable, consumed broadly, and fully leveraged across the organization. A C4E supplements DevOps and agile efforts due to the collaborative team structure that it builds and the self-reliant and productive environment that it creates.

Jira Service Management

Let us discuss whether DevOps can be adopted by all businesses namely small, medium, or large. What are the factors that contribute to adoption in the business? To know more enroll for the best DevOps training online at StarAgile institute.

  • Similarly, Kbs related to incidents and problems should be communicated to all members so that everyone is educated about issues and incidents.
  • Customizing security rules above or beyond regular configurations is required.
  • These changes may easily be perceived as threatening for departments, people and processes which are comfortable with the current organizational setup.
  • SRE and DEV teams collaborate and SRE approves the code based on the operational metrics.
  • The code describes, manages, and converges the desired state of a machine or the infrastructure.

By aligning the needs of the business with DevOps teams, organizations will empower team members to focus on the business objectives, rather than simply work on assigned projects and tasks. QA engineers focus specifically on how to define quality standards for performance, reliability and other factors before software is pushed into production. It is their responsibility to design and run tests that assess whether each new release meets those requirements as it flows through the CI/CD pipeline. Processes and tools matter, but it’s people that ultimately determine whether a business can successfully transform itself into a DevOps organization. Site Reliability Engineering solves operations as if it’s a software problem.

DevOps reading list

They understand the software development process workflows and can collaborate with developers to reduce the friction that occurs when developers hand off code for deployment. Start at the organization level, hire and manage the right talent required for the organization. Work at the team level, designing and structuring your processes, defining roles and responsibilities of DevOps teams, and choosing the right technology stack. Then go down to the individual level to touch every member of the team. The secret to success in a DevOps environment is gaining top-down buy-in across the organization.

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